I'm writing this today because honestly...college is hard. Well it's not completely hard but just this one class. And it's even more frustrating because everyone says, "OMG you're taking that? Goodluck.","Why didn't you just transfer that class?", "I dropped that class!", "Everyone I know that took that class said it's so hard." I'm not one to give up easily or try to take the easy way out. The class is not hard in the aspect of the work is hard but it is just so much work and working with a program that I am not familiar with makes it difficult. I tried going to help rooms once a week or when I needed help and meeting with people to review before quizzes and exams but obviously that is not working so it's time for a new plan because failure is not in my plan!
After talking to my parents, advisors, other students who have the class and people who have passed the class I know I can do it. I may not get the 4.0 that I would love but it's not the end of the world. Personally, I am not used to having problems in school and if I do have a problem I am used to simple fixes so this situation is frustrating. The other day I was walking and it was a guy skateboarding with his friend and he tried to flip the skateboard while he jumped or something (IDK skateboarding isn't my thing) but he was trying to do a trick he fell off the skateboard a few times. Before the last time he told his friend, "one more time and we can go." He fell off again and afterwards he said, "I know I said one more time but I want to try again." His friend said, "no it's fine, you can practice on our way back." This may sound cliche but it really happened! I promise! I know I told myself if business does not work out then I'll just do engineering but business not working out is not an option. If I change my major it will be because I genuinely want to not because I am discouraged. Whatever you are struggling with, you will overcome it successfully! Cry a little, pray a lot, work a lot, if your current plan is not working, change it. This is the week I will implement my new plan. We can do it! Oh and I honestly wrote this because I needed this. I needed to remind myself that everything will turn out fine and that I can do ANYTHING that I wish to because no one is stopping me but me. Have a great week:) This is your reminder that you will be okay!
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Well I'm a day late and a dollar short because today's actually October 10 but I started this post on August 17 (the day that I got my hair cut). Anywayyy, I didn't really do a big "big chop" like cut all my hair off but I cut my heat damage off so I can start my healthy natural hair journey. Though I did not cut off all my hair, this still was a big step for me. When I first cut my hair it was exciting and I felt like a new woman.
Now, there are days where I love my hair and then there are days that I hate it because I can only do so much with it. I do not regret cutting my hair at all because I would rather have healthy hair and I swear I think it's growing lol but I know the payoff will be worth it. Because I did not cut too much off, my hair is in the awkward length phase, too long for finger waves but too short for a ponytail or bun. I'm still experimenting but if you catch me with a scarf on I'm having a bad hair day. If you have been contemplating doing the big chop just do it because if you continue to think about it you won't do it. Or just cut little by little. You can do this girl! We're all in this together. You may be shocked at first or you may love it, either way, there will be days you hate your hair but that happens anyway. Another thing is I also still need to try more natural hair products because right now jojoba oil and Shea Moistures' Curl Enhancing Smoothie is my holy grail. I love how light jojoba oil is and it smells great and my hair loves it. Curl enhancing smoothie is nice as well and helps my curls POP! I will be back at the six month mark to show you guys my progress, give recommendations on hair product successes and fails, and even various hairstyles. Thanks for being patient with my posts because I am still trying to get the hang of this college thing *sighs* but I will...TRY to post more. No but really, I will find my groove again. Have a great week! Lately there have been so many good movies coming out. Therefore, I've been at the movie theater more than usual. Last night, my friends and I all met up to go see Dark Tower. We were all late getting to the movie so we were left with seeing another movie which most didn't start for another two hours or going out to eat. We decided to do both. We agreed to see Detroit. None of us knew what this movie was really about except the person that suggested it. The movie was actually really good and informing. Ultimately I learned more about where I'm from. If you're like me before I saw the movie and don't have any clue on what this movie is about, you need to go watch the trailer RIGHT NOW! Lol, just playing, but the movie is about the riots that went on in Detroit that went on in the 1960s. The movie gives an overview of the riots as a whole, however it does focus on one specific story.Movies like this make people aware and remind them of the harsh reality of the world we live in.
Although some of us may not have ever been in a violent racial situation, at some point in our life we will be faced with racism. It's unfortunate that after hundreds of years, in 2017 we still are dealing with racism in the way that we are, from the president of the United States to white supremacist rallies. As a young adult I am just now beginning to see the world for what it is and not as candy and rainbows from the eyes of a little girl. While Detroit is known for its music and cars, the riots also played a great part in what Detroit is. This brings us back to my previous post about gentrification. In no way do I support gentrification, but I do feel that it isn't all bad. The business and the jobs it brings, however it doesn't spread to the community that currently lives there (in fact it pushes them out) and the outer neighborhoods. If gentrification was more inclusive instead of exclusive it wouldn't be so bad. Now that we have that all cleared up, go see the movie! We learn so much about other places and their history. Learn about where you're from! I usually post pics in black and white, but hey it's Tuesday, (just a regular day in the middle of the business week lol) why not add some color! The other day I went to a baseball game with my aunt, cousin, and sister. After the game, we walked around the city. I realized that there is just as much to see in Detroit at night as there is in the morning if not more. In recent years Detroit has undergone various gentrification projects in its' downtown area. And while gentrification has its perks, it has its negative effects as well. Gentrification allows for modernization. However, updating can be expensive causing the cost of living to financially increase in the area, pushing people who have been there for years out. It's not necessarily right but people are doing it everyday slowly but surely and by the time attention is called to it it is to late. Everything is a business so make sure you don't get left out of the deal! Make sure you take advantage and enjoy what is rightfully yours. Although the current Detroit is not the city I grew up in, it's still my city and I love it and the opportunities that it offers.<3
This past Monday and Tuesday I was away at my college orientation. I didn't pick an orientation date that coincided with people that I knew so ultimately I was a fish in a new sea. Due to me not knowing anyone, I was reserved to at first. Not too far into orientation did I make my first friend. I was walking out of the building where we had to check in, into another building where we waited until the first session started, when a girl held the door open for me. We began sharing feelings of nervousness and not coming with friends and hey, we became friends from there. For majority of the orientation we stuck together also meeting more people and adding more people on Snapchat LOL. It wasn't until that evening that it hit me that my life will change in two months. It also wasn't until that evening that I actually became excited for college. I won't lie, this sea is big. I even began to question if I made the right decision as far as college. However, orientation unknowingly answered this question for me. Although the campus and the school is HUGE I feel that I belong here and I will prosper in this environment. My advisors are so helpful and the students are nice. The ice cream was pretty good...well food in general and they had cute school apparel. I better enjoy it while it last because if I haven't already learned how to budget I definitely will before first semester is over. Anyways... GO GREEN! #MSU21
So, if you have been reading my blog since it's birth back in January, you'd know that my first post ever was about my goals for this year. (And if you haven't read it, go read it now) I had 6 different goals and I have only really been successful in about half of them...too bad if I must say. Half of my goals for half of the year lol *pats self on the back*. So here we go...
My first goal was less procrastination. I still procrastinate lol, as you can see it is Tuesday that I am posting and not Sunday lol...sorry. However, I get bursts of motivation and I hope this burst lasts forever. My second goal was budgeting. I've been decent with this goal. I'm not completely there yet but I'm not as bad as I was. I'm still working on it. On to my third goal, applying for more scholarships. Now, I have applied for more scholarships and I won one! However, I feel the reason I have not won more was because my essay was not done from the heart but instead was done with the mindset of just trying to get it done. I have one essay that I wrote that I feel is bomb and we'll just have to see. My fourth goal was read at least one book a month. I have been reading...lol the same book and I am ordering way faster than I'm reading. Since I am ordering multiple books at once I get sidetracked and I book bounce a lot without finishing. But, I always go back! (Hmm maybe I'll share with you all a good reading list.) My fifth goal was graduate high school, and yes I DID IT! Lol thank god:) Last but not least, intern for a social media or broadcast company. Currently I am going through that "I'm not sure what I want to do with my life" phase and not sure what I want to necessarily be or study anymore but I am in the works of trying to intern at a radio station. Hopefully this will help me gain a lot of clarity. So there we have it! I still need to work on my procrastination, budgeting, and reading at least one book a month. I'll be back in December with my end of the year review. Yours Truly, Sasha Face It's official guys! It's the first day of June and in my book the first day of summer becauseee...(drum roll please) IM DONE WITH HIGH SCHOOL! Yesterday was my last day and although I am glad, it is honestly bitter-sweet. Bitter because the ending of this chapter in a way is the ending of your childhood and the beginning of adulthood. So many memories, friends, and so much of the person I am today has been shaped because of high school. However, it is sweet because high school is annoying and doing the same thing for 4 years with the same people in the same building gets old.
With graduation, college, and new opportunities around the corner I am excited to see what life has to offer. I want to travel this summer, have new experiences, meet new people, and just be the carefree-black girl that I was born to be! This summer I plan to focus on me and my goals. With less distractions I will have more time to focus on my blog, YouTube channel, and clothing. Look forward to more consistent post every Sunday. Let's virtually toast to a fantastic, safe, and adventurous summer of growing into the amazing people we are meant to be! *clinks wine glasses filled with sparkling apple cider together* Yours Truly, Sasha Face "Whoever said money can't buy happiness, simply didn't know where to go shopping."- Bo Derek. Yes, the best things in life are free, but have you gone shopping?!?! The older I get the more I become interested in clothes, beauty, and fashion. On average I would say I go shopping about every other week. When working at the mall I went about a few times a week (smh). And when that direct deposit hit, those online stores were calling my name, using "free shipping","50% off everything", and even "student discount" (which I'm eligible for now) as bait. Personally, I feel that a person can never be done shopping because there is always something new being designed and a new trend being set.
Although I may not be the best at saving in the aspect of how much I shop, I am pretty good at getting deals or DIYing more expensive things. In other words, I get more bang for my buck. From one smart shopper to another, if you like shopping just as much as me and wish to save more so you can shop more lol, here are a few of my tips... 1. Go crazy on semi-annual sales (stuff can get up to 50% off if not more) 2. Download Retail me not to get coupons 3. Always shop on holidays (stores will more than likely have a sale and offer some type of discount) 4. Go thrifting (you can find some cute cheap stuff or stuff you can possibly bring back to life) 5. If something is expensive then do it/make it yourself. (Michaels and Joanne's always have a sale. Etsy and Amazon are also good for finding things you may not be able to find in stores.) 6. NEVER BUY ANYTHING FULL PRICE (there will always be a sale or a discount code that exists somewhere out there) From one shopping addict to another, I just want you to know you are not alone and I hope some of my tips were helpful. OH! And be sure to purchase some of my affordable clothing and accessories:)(Read below for more details.) Until next time loves! Yours Truly, Sasha Face Everyone, whether it be a freshman, sophomore, or junior all have expectations of what they believe their senior year will be like. I know this because I was in the shoes of each freshman, sophomore, and junior. When you are on the outside looking in, senior year looks like a ton of fun. Why wouldn't it? After all, you're getting ready to graduate, you're done with this HUGE standardized test, and you're getting ready to move out the house to be on your own and go to college. People do not often talk about the bad side of being a senior.
I feel that the biggest misconception is that senior year is a breeze. Now, senior year is not necessarily hard but it is still school. In my personal case I am taking IB/AP classes which is a lot of essays to write while still balancing regular classwork, work, college business and a personal life. For some people, their senior year just may be a breeze but one thing that will hit you senior year is the FINANCES. Senior year is so expensive and college is even more expensive! The financial part of college doesn't really hit you until this year and you may even figure out your "dream school" doesn't necessarily fit in with your wants, needs, or finances. Many scholarships can be done regardless of what grade you are in. The sooner you get started the better. Senior year doesn't completely suck it's just all about balancing and learning to manage your time well which will be a crucial skill needed to be successful in college and in life. The fun doesn't really start until the end of the year. Prom, graduation, pep rally's, open houses, and getting out of school early all occurs towards the end of your senior year so please cure your senioritis or get a vaccine because you need to hit the ground running your senior year. Fill out your college apps over the summer, get your letters of recommendation at the end of your junior year along with copies of your transcript, fill out every scholarship that you can because who doesn't love free money? GO GET A PLANNER and stay on your ish. Work hard and play at the end! Your time will come and you will thank yourself for making your workload lighter. If you are currently are a senior or have already graduated, you can understand where I'm coming from. You only get one senior year in high school (if you're lucky LOL) so do it right so you can enjoy it! Yours Truly, Sasha Face Last April I officially began my journey in the retail world. My first official job was working at DSW. I love shopping there but boy did I hate working there. Your coworkers truly make a difference in your work experience. You can have the worst job but best coworkers and it can make the job so much more enjoyable and vice versa. You can have the best job and worst coworkers making the job more dreaded. Now don't get me wrong, my coworkers were so nice and entertaining but the managers were unorganized. There were four different managers. Everyone is different so of course you know what you can and cannot do depending on the manager who is working during your shift. However, certain expectations are just too high LOL.
From personal experience, I know when I go into a store I would like to be greeted then left alone to do my shopping. If I do have any questions I would just like for there to be employees floating around the store so I can easily grab one for assistance. One of the managers would quiz us on the people in our designated areas for the store asking questions like, "What is that person shopping for today, are they a rewards member, how much were they looking to spend, or what event were they were shopping for?" What customer wants to have that long of a conversation while shopping?!?! And why would you sign someone up for rewards on the floor and not the register? After working here for about a month, I was "fired" but not really fired because I had to call to see why I was not put on the schedule and that is how I found out. Retail isn't all bad. Towards the end of the summer I started my current job at Dry Goods. I love all the girls I work with, it is much smaller than DSW. I know all my coworkers and we hang out outside of work. They make the already fun work environment even more enjoyable. Retail is not bad at all it can definitely be fun it just depends on where and who you work with. Working in retail definitely makes me shop soooo much more but it has forced me to dress outside the box. Overall I love my retail experience and feel it is help prepare me for owning my own boutique one day. Yours Truly, Sasha Face |